Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy

Academic dishonesty is a serious issue. Honesty in all academic work is expected of every student at all times. This means everyone does their own work without assistance from other persons or sources on any assignment or exam unless otherwise directed by the instructor. The use of Chat GPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools are prohibited without the permission of the instructor.  Students who use Chat GPT or other AI tools without permission, or who use them in improper ways, are violating Franklin Cummings Tech’s Academic Honesty Policy. You are unable to learn what you need to know if you do not do your own work.

A violation of academic honesty can include but not be limited to:

  • Plagiarism
  • Falsifying documents
  • Submitting the same assignment in multiple classes
  • Copying, sharing work, or receiving assistance from another person or student
  • Aiding and abetting cheating
  • Using any form of technology including Chat GPT and other artificial intelligence, cell phones, laptops, etc., as a tool for academic dishonesty
  • Violating the US Copyright Law, which prohibits the unlawful copying and using of original works (published and unpublished)

It is the responsibility of each student to understand Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology’s (Franklin Cummings Tech) expectations for academic honesty and to seek help in understanding the policy if necessary.

See the complete Honesty Policy in the current Student Handbook.
