Meet the Renewable Energy Technology faculty members.

Dr. Basma MewafyAssistant Professor of Renewable Energy Technology
Dr. Basma Mewafy is a Materials Scientist and Renewable Energy enthusiast. Basma has dual European master’s degrees in Material Science and Engineering from University of Turin, Italy and University of Montpellier, France 2016. Basma obtained her PhD degree in Physical Chemistry from University of Strasbourg, France 2019. Basma joined Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology in 2021 as a research scientist in the materials for energy technology department, focusing on green ammonia technology as a carbon free energy carrier and decentralized production from renewable energy.
Basma was the scientific responsible for three European Union funded projects. Her role responsibilities focused on the development of the core-technology membrane reactor (MR) based on ceramic MIEC (Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor) and thin film technology.
At INP, Basma had the chance to supervise students and introduce them to Magnetron sputtering and laser annealing technologies. She also taught undergraduate students during her PhD studies. Basma believes that Science makes the world shine and breaks borders; that innovation in this world is necessary, and problem-solving will be a game changer for our student’s future.
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