This is a typical course sequence designed to show what your course of study might look like for Opticianry. Please see the Course Catalog for full program requirements and course descriptions.
Opticianry (AS) – 70 Credits
Cumulative Credits
General Education credits: 21
Technical Core credits: 49
Total credits: 70
SEMESTER 1 (19 credits)
EN130 College Composition I (3 credits)
MA105 Technical Math (3 credits)
OP105 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye (3 credits)
OP110 Ophthalmic Optics I (3 credits)
OP115 Principles and Practices in Opticianry I (3 credits)
OP122/123 Ophthalmic Design & Dispensing I/Lab (4 credits)
SEMESTER 2 (19 credits)
EN140 College Composition II (3 credits)
HU/SS Social Science Elective (3 credits)
MA107 Optical Math (3 credits)
OP120 Ophthalmic Optics II (3 credits)
OP125 Principles and Practices in Opticianry II (3 credits)
OP232/233 Ophthalmic Design & Dispensing II/Lab (4 credits)
SEMESTER 3 (15 credits)
OP201 Small Business Management for Opticians (3 credits)
HU/SS Social Science Elective (3 credits)
OP230/231 Contact Lens Theory I/Lab (5 credits)
OP235 Principles and Practices in Opticianry III (3 credits)
OP281 Opticianry Technical Skills & Service Lab I (1 credit)
SEMESTER 4 (17 credits)
HU/SS Social Science Elective (3 credits)
OP128 Optical Business and Clinical Care Management (2 credits)
OP240/241 Contact Lens Theory II/Lab (5 credits)
OP243 Principles and Practices in Opticianry IV (3 credits)
OP245 Vision Assessment (3 credits)
OP282 Opticianry Technical Skills & Service Lab II (1 credit)