This is a typical course sequence designed to show what your course of study might look like for HVAC&R. Please see the Course Catalog for full program requirements and course descriptions.
The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) program is also offered during the evening for students who are unable to study during the day. Students in the HVAC&R evening program study Monday through Thursday. The fall program starts in September and concludes in May (9 months). The spring program starts in January and concludes in August (8 months).
HVAC&R Certificate – 28 Credits
SEMESTER 1 (13 credits)
HV100 – which includes:
– Fundamentals of Electricity as applied to HVAC-R
– Refrigeration Fundamentals
– Electrical and Mechanical for Refrigeration
-EPA-Refrigerant Recovery, Recycle, and Reclaim (offered in fall and spring)
SEMESTER 2 (13 credits)
HV200 – which includes:
– Commercial Refrigeration and Ice Machines
– Commercial Air conditioning and Heat Pumps
– Gas Heating and Residential Air Conditioning
– Oil Furnaces and Hydronic Heating