Disability Support System

Students with disabilities are eligible for reasonable accommodations under various federal and state laws. The Learning Specialist, located inside the Kraft Center for Student Success, is available to meet with students who possess additional learning needs and/or want to request accommodations.

Students seeking accommodations should provide valid documentation of a disability and/or recommended accommodations to the Learning Specialist.  Together, the student and the Learning Specialist will determine the accommodations the college is able to provide based on the nature of the disability.  All information regarding disabilities is treated confidentially.

Contact the Learning Specialist

For any questions about Disability Support Services, or to schedule a meeting, please contact Kate Varteresian, Learning Specialist, at kvarteresian@franklincummings.edu or 617-588-1309.

Differences Between Disability Supports in High School vs. College

In the United States, education from Kindergarten through Grade 12 follows the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires free appropriate public education to all. After high school, the Americans with Disabilities Act & Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) serves as a legal guide for educational institutions in order to provide access to interested students. Students must meet the criteria of postsecondary institutions in which they are interested and will be evaluated against the same course objectives as other students. Students are expected to become their own best advocate; if they require assistance, it is up to them to disclose their need to the Learning Specialist and work with her to determine an appropriate accommodation plan.

RESPONSIBILITY FOR IDENTIFICATION The school must identify and serve.The students must identify themselves.
ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATIONDone by a multidisciplinary team.Documentation from a licensed professional is usually necessary.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR SERVICES Most services provided.Services beyond reasonable accommodations may come with additional costs, or outside of the institution.
PLAN OF SERVICEIndividual Education Program (IEP) or 504 PlanA letter from the Learning Specialist (disability services coordinator)
describing accommodations is given to college faculty by the student.
CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENTStudents are served with non-disabled students peers as much as possible.No "special education" in college. Course work requirements are the same for all.
The difference is that students with disabilities may make use of appropriate academic
accommodations in order to complete the requirements.
CLASS TIMEAverage 6 hours per day/180 days per academic year.12-15 hours per week, 2 semesters, 15 weeks per semester.
STUDY TIME1-2 hours/day2 hours of study for 1 hour of class


Additional Resources

Asperger’s Association of New England
Website; Phone: 617-393-3827
Easter Seals Assistive Technology Regional CentersFor Eastern Massachusetts: ATRC@eastersealsma.org
Phone: 617-226-2634
For Western Massachusetts: ATRC@ucpberkshire.org
Phone: 413-442-1562
Commonwealth Psychology AssociatesWebsite; Phone: 617-259-1895
Massachusetts Rehabilitation CommissionWebsite
Planning for Life After Special EducationWebsite
Think College: College Options for People with Intellectual DisabilitiesWebsite
Toward Independent Living and LearningWebsite
US Department of Civil Rights“Students Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Known Your Rights and Responsibilities”
