Dr. Elysee Publishes Research on HIT Impact in US Hospitals
March 30, 2021
BFIT Professor of Health Information Technology Dr. Gerald Elysee co-authored a research article recently published in the Medicine® journal that looked at the association between patient readmission rates and the use of Health Information Technology in US hospitals.
Titled “Association Between 30-day Readmission Rates and Health Information Technology Capabilities in US Hospitals,” the study revealed that improving patient access to and use of their electronic health records may be helpful in improving hospital performance on readmission. These findings suggest that there remains a need for policymakers and other stakeholders to intervene and incentivize patient portal adoption and use in order to realize greater reduction in readmission risk.
“This research is important because reducing readmission rates has become a major priority for hospital administrators, payers, and policymakers, as they can lead to undesirable clinical and economic outcomes,” said Dr. Elysee.
Dr. Elysee is Director of Department of Electrical Engineering and Engineering Technology and Chair of Computer and Information Technology Programs at BFIT.
The research was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Dr. Elysee’s co-authors were from the Yale School of Medicine and the New York University Grossman School of Medicine.
Read the full research article at https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/Fulltext/2021/02260/Association_between_30_day_readmission_rates_and.54.aspx