Own Your Success Week

Own Your Success Week

Own Your Success Week Flyer

Own Your Success Week will take place from Monday, September 16th – Thursday, September 19th both in-person and online.


Own You Success Week is aimed at empowering students to take control of their academic and person growth. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of short, 30-minute sessions. Each session is led by a knowledgeable staff or faculty member who are passionate about helping students succeed. In these sessions you’ll learn about: effective time management, study techniques, stress management and resources at the college. The event offers both in-person and virtual options to accommodate different schedules and learning preferences.  Each session you attend enters you into a raffle for prizes! 


Below are the session times and links:

Date/TimeTopic/Registration LinkAboutLocations
Monday 9/16, 12-12:30pmIntro to the Online Library with Sharon BonkDevelop skills for navigating the online library and using tutoring services effectively! Career Center (U120) and Online
Monday 9/16, 12:30-1pmStudy Smarter, Not Harder with Sophia RyanExplore different study techniques, including active reading, note-taking methods, and preparing for exams to improve retention and understanding.   Career Center (U120) and Online
Tuesday 9/17, 12-12:30pmApps which Up your GPA with Anna LeidnerExplore the best apps and digital tools to help you study smarter, stay organized, and manage your time. Career Center (U120) and Online
Tuesday 9/17, 12:30-1pmIt Takes Grit! with Michael FelixLearn how to develop the determination and perseverance needed to overcome challenges and stay focused on your long-term goals. Career Center (U120) and Online
Wednesday 9/18, 12-12:30pmSuccess in Online Classes with Sarah PouletteDiscover effective techniques for staying engaged, managing your time, and overcoming obstacles in an online course. Brown Conference Room (U122) and Online
Wednesday 9/18, 12:30-1pmUsing AI Ethically in Your Courses with Sharon BonkExplore the responsible use of AI in your studies while maintaining academic integrity Brown Conference Room (U122) and Online
Thursday 9/19, 12-12:30pmEmail Etiquette with Fiona PierceLearn how to write clear, respectful, and effective emails to professors, peers, and potential employers Career Center (U120) and Online
